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Next-generation sequencing (NGS) provides clear advantages for analyzing forensic samples, including enhanced sensitivity, the ability to analyze more markers simultaneously, and the ability to use smaller amplicons. Many of the most difficult samples, such as bones, contain significant levels of PCR inhibitors that can prevent laboratories from taking full advantage of the benefits of NGS. The ForenSeq Enhanced PCR Buffer System, ePCR1, has been developed to help minimize the effect of inhibitors and provide better allele recovery for challenging samples.


In this webinar, you’ll see...

  • The technical specifications for the ForenSeq Enhanced Buffer System and its compatibility with the ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep and ForenSeq MainstAY kits
  • A review of ePCR1 performance from the British Columbia Institute of Technology
  • A case study on how ePCR1 rescued challenging bone samples



Jason Moore, Bsc, MA
British Columbia Institute of Technology


KathyStephens2Kathryn Stephens, PhD
VP of Research & Development


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